ron's reflections
"It got me thinkin'..."

July 2012
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Filed under: Ron's Reflections
Posted by: site admin @ 8:10 am


year my spouse Phyllis and I lead a canoe trip. I just got back
after a week in the wilderness. While being gone I discovered how
much I enjoy being a pastor. Yes, there are trying moments and some
snags that can cause one to lose sleep but for me it is a way of life
that has been and continues to be a great journey. Really the people
in the church are wonderful individuals and have always shown me love
even when I have been less than loving. My ‘work’ schedule has
allowed many moments of joy. I have been very privileged to view the
world from many perspectives.

am not even sure why I am writing these words. I guess it is because
the older I get the more I am aware that all of life is a gift even
our work. So, today I am going to start getting caught up on my work
but I am also going to thank God for being able to have a task to do.
I read somewhere (I cannot remember where) get your enjoyment out of
your work. I am going to strive to follow that advice.

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generous people
Filed under: Ron's Reflections
Posted by: site admin @ 8:08 am


facts amaze me. I find myself being the pastor of a Church that is
very mission minded. Not only are we involved in various missions
(too numerous to mention), but we are very generous with financial
support of various missions throughout our community and the world.
At the end of July we have given away $67,700 in mission support.
Some of those helped were our sister church in Poland, the local food
pantry, Harrisburg Tornado relief and many many more. On this list
is what is called local missions. This line item is money that is
used to help O’Fallon residents. We have assisted many families and
the total financial support is over $10,000.

am lifting up these numbers for two reasons. First I am very proud
of the way our Church family responds to the real needs of people in
our world. I am blessed to be around some very generous people who
are showing God’s love to a hurting world. Second, our Church can
use more prayers. How to use our resources wisely takes God’s help.
Please continue to pray for our Church and it various ministries.

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getting away
Filed under: Ron's Reflections
Posted by: site admin @ 6:12 am


is the time of year I start thinking about my annual canoe trip. I
know that there are over twenty persons who have signed up for this
trip and I look forward to getting to know them better. What amazes
me about this trip is that it all started years ago (almost 30yrs
ago) when I wanted to do something with my son. My son and I went on
a family canoe trip and we both got hooked. A week a year I am out
in the woods with no distractions. There is no phone service and
none of the conveniences of home. I find it relaxing and also a time
that God reminds me that the little things of life are very

don’t know what type of a get away you may find attractive to you.
But I do know that we all need to get away to find refreshment and
the strength for daily living. One of the Ten Commandments is about
keeping a Sabbath. I hope to stay faithful to keep that one. I hope
my summer is a time to regroup and reconnect to my vision for my

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Filed under: Ron's Reflections
Posted by: site admin @ 6:22 am


am sitting in my office which is air-conditioned thinking about the
extremely hot weather outside. I don’t keep up with the weather very
much but the last couple of days have been hotter than most days I
can remember. Along this same line of thinking it seems to me that
we need some rain. My yard is looking brown rather than green. One
of the reasons that I don’t keep up with the weather is I just don’t
think about it much. It just happens and I go on. But the extremes
that are happening as I write these words have caused me to think
about it more than usual.

always amazes me all that I take for granted. I just assume the
weather will be there for me. I just assume this and that will
happen and function in the way I think they should function. So,
today I am going to take some time out and be thankful for some
‘things’ that are not always obvious to me. Perhaps this will help
me to be a person of praise rather than a person of problems.

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