is the time of year I start thinking about my annual canoe trip. I
know that there are over twenty persons who have signed up for this
trip and I look forward to getting to know them better. What amazes
me about this trip is that it all started years ago (almost 30yrs
ago) when I wanted to do something with my son. My son and I went on
a family canoe trip and we both got hooked. A week a year I am out
in the woods with no distractions. There is no phone service and
none of the conveniences of home. I find it relaxing and also a time
that God reminds me that the little things of life are very
don’t know what type of a get away you may find attractive to you.
But I do know that we all need to get away to find refreshment and
the strength for daily living. One of the Ten Commandments is about
keeping a Sabbath. I hope to stay faithful to keep that one. I hope
my summer is a time to regroup and reconnect to my vision for my