ron's reflections
"It got me thinkin'..."

September 2012
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A new season
Filed under: Ron's Reflections
Posted by: site admin @ 6:56 am

            It is official. Fall is here. I think I am ready for some cooler weather and fall is one of my favorite times of the year. Of course I am usually ready for a change of season. One of the reasons I like the different seasons is that I enjoy a change. Today as I sit in my office I have the window opened and cooler air is making its way into the room. That is a change for the warm summer air that I kept out most of the summer. I find within myself many contridictions. On one hand I don’t like change and on the other I enjoy it. I suppose the simple answer is that it is the type of change that causes me to pause or rejoice. Change is a very complex subject indeed.

But as complex as change is it is always taking place all around. I know this fact by just looking down the street I live on. There are many changes that have taken place in the last year. People have come and gone. There has even been a new business started on my street. But most of all I have changed. God continues to work in my life in many ways. Sometimes it is so subtle that I hardly notice it but change is happening. Today I rejoice in a God who calls out to all and ask us to be open to change that is all around.

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thinking ahead
Filed under: Ron's Reflections
Posted by: site admin @ 7:22 am

              Today I have a meeting that I am not looking forward to having. It is not that anything bad is going to happen. In fact it could be a good meeting but nonetheless I will be glad when it is over. Strange how my mind loves to plan ahead. I think of all I want to get done in a day and go after it. The problem with planning ahead is that sometimes I miss the enjoyment of the moment. I really need to live more in the now.

As I type these words this moment is the only one I am sure of. So, I should be enjoying writing these words. As I write these words I sometimes pause and sip a bit from my cup of coffee. I need to enjoy that ’sip’ more. I think you get the idea. The reason this thought is running through my mind is that in my life as a pastor I once was asked to conduct a funeral for a man who had been saving quarters his entire life. He was going to use them to take a train ride around the United States. He never got to use the quarters or take the ride. So, today, I am going to practice living more in the moment.

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new week ahead
Filed under: Ron's Reflections
Posted by: site admin @ 7:09 am


Monday are usually a very busy day for me. It seems like there is a lot of items that need to be taken care of every Monday. One of the items is to print out a calendar of my week. Every week I think I have it planned but I am most often surprised by how the week actually turns out. Some items that I thought were important did not turn out that way and other items that I never even had on my radar took not only time but emotional energy.

All of this just goes to show that my life cannot be planned out. It happens and is alive and well. That means change will happen each day and that I am finding that living life is more fun than planning life. Each moment is a gift and I want to use it wisely. Today I am letting life happen and looking forward to it.

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God is working
Filed under: Ron's Reflections
Posted by: site admin @ 7:43 am

            Last Sunday I mentioned a person I knew whose life had changed since he met Jesus. He gave up drugs and is now a father of a small child and enjoying His continued walk with Jesus. Monday I went to run a 5k race. I could not believe who was at the race. It was the very person I had mentioned on Sunday and I could not believe what he asked me to do. He wanted me to pray for him before the race. So, while other runners were ‘warming’ up we had a time of prayer. That happening was amazing to me.

Those kind of events are not exactly new to me. They happen more than I realize. God indeed orders the steps of life. He puts people into our path and there is a reason for all that He does. So, this week I am going to be more alert and keep an eye out for where God is working on me.

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