ron's reflections
"It got me thinkin'..."

February 2009
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getting to me
Filed under: Ron's Reflections
Posted by: site admin @ 7:54 am

This morning I woke up in a bad mood.  As I look at myself I think I am experiencing what I call the ’meeting out’ syndrome.   I have had what has seemed like meetings on top of meetings lately and I am ready for a break.  Sometimes people in the church think all I want to talk about is the church.  However, I am more than a person concerned about the running of a church.  Some days I just need to get away so I can clear my head and go at it again.  I am going to have to figure out a way to get the church business done without as many meetings or I am going to have to ask God to help change my attitude. 

One of my biggest difficulties with organization within the life of the church is how it is easy it is to develop plans and forget about asking God what His plan is.  I know that I do this more than I want to admit.  However, I am more and more learning to wait on God and less putting my ideas and plans into place.  More than once I have rejoiced in the way God is leading the congregation I pastor.  Great God moments have taken place and I have seen the collective body at this church follow God’s leading.  I pray for more of those times and happenings.

Before I close these thoughts out I am reminded of the many times the Psalmist found refreshment in waiting on God.  Today I am going to spend more time waiting on God and let Him bring a newness that only He can bring.  What a gift He willingly gives us all!


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Filed under: Ron's Reflections
Posted by: site admin @ 10:20 am

Each week on our Church’s website, my spouse, Phyllis has a devotion for anyone to read.  I enjoy them as I hope others do too.  What an amazing world we live in that we can take those devotions and put them on a cd.  If you would like one let me know or email Phyllis at

I told you that I would be putting pictures on on this site soon.  Well, today Bob, our tech person told me it is coming soon.  I hope within a few days to show you some pictures of my family and other aspects of my life as well as life in the church.  Some pictures do say more than words.

I am busy this week trying to get a handle on some aspects of my job.  Our office manager is retiring nad we need to find a replacement.  Pray about this and our work on a campus at the new ninth grade campus is moving along and please pray about it, too.  If you need to know more about the church, don’t hesitate to ask me. I hope I am open and honest with you.

I have friends visiting this weekend.  So, I am looking forward to seeing some of the sights of this area again.  How blessed I am to be in a profession that has flexible hours.  I know I complain sometimes about my profession but I really love it.

Enough ramblings.  I am going to enjoy the rest of this day and the days ahead.  Join me in praising God for life itself.

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walk the path God wants you to walk
Filed under: Ron's Reflections
Posted by: site admin @ 10:14 am

Daily my schedule goes down some surprising paths.  For example some days I have a plan outlined for the day and a simple phone call can put my plan on hold.  There are emergency phone calls and visits that frequently occur.  Because of these happenings I have learned to pray for God to guide me as I order my life.  I now think this is a great way to approach every day.  When I think of ordering my life I really do want to walk down life’s highway hand in hand with God.  I have learned my life does not run smoothly when I choose to do my own thing.

Phyllis and a friend found themselves in a vehicle that got stuck in the mud on the outskirts of a rural town.  They walked to a house to ask for some help.  The man and woman came to the door but made it very clear they did not want to help.  In fact they were upset about the whole incident.  It left Phyllis with a funny feeling.  I think she even has some mixed feelings about that community.  Think with me on the thought how do others see God in us.  For His fullness to come through we need to daily walk where He wants us to walk.


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thanks for helping!
Filed under: Ron's Reflections
Posted by: site admin @ 8:34 am

          Sundays are always a busy day for me and at the end of them I am tired.  As I reflect on this past Sunday I am reminded of all the volunteers that donate their time and talents each week so that our church can help individuals grow in their relationship to God and others.  The list of volunteers is amazing.  There are those who unlock doors and those who pick up bagels.  Someone has to make coffee and clean up afterwards.  Then there are greeters, ushers, and musicians who all Sunday after Sunday fill in their important gifts.  There are some people that help with the sound so that we can all hear well.  Of course, our Sunday school is staffed by all volunteers.  Our bookstore relies on volunteers to keep it going.  And each week there are prayer warriors who during the services are praying for the prayer requests which were turned in and for the Spirit to speak to all during the worship time.  There are even persons who come in and help with getting the bulletins ready.  I really don’t know where to end this thought because there are so many who out of a dedication to God and this church willingly give of their time and talents.  I know I have overlooked some many others but to all who give and give today I say thanks.


If you are reading this and you want to volunteer or see a need that you think needs some leadership, please let me know.  We can always use more volunteers. 

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Filed under: Ron's Reflections
Posted by: site admin @ 8:33 am

I wonder about myself at times.  More than once I have felt as if I am inadequate for the task of being a pastor and at other times I feel up to the task.  These feelings are often influenced by how rested and refreshed I am.  I know that I am a person who needs rest and if I don’t get that rest it has an impact on me.  My outlook can become less that clear and accurate because of not taking proper care of myself.


As I write these words I am thankful that I can rest on some great truths.  Having a loving family is a very restful truth.  A meaningful work and purpose in life brings a calmness that refreshes also.  I have so many wonderful friends and blessings that I could fill more than one book listing them.  I am a very blessed person.  However, there are times when I forget my blessings and lose the rest that comes from such knowledge. 


Writing these words has lifted my spirits and I am thankful to be able to express myself freely.  Thanks for taking the time to read and share your life with mine.

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