Sundays are always a busy day for me and at the end of them I am tired. As I reflect on this past Sunday I am reminded of all the volunteers that donate their time and talents each week so that our church can help individuals grow in their relationship to God and others. The list of volunteers is amazing. There are those who unlock doors and those who pick up bagels. Someone has to make coffee and clean up afterwards. Then there are greeters, ushers, and musicians who all Sunday after Sunday fill in their important gifts. There are some people that help with the sound so that we can all hear well. Of course, our Sunday school is staffed by all volunteers. Our bookstore relies on volunteers to keep it going. And each week there are prayer warriors who during the services are praying for the prayer requests which were turned in and for the Spirit to speak to all during the worship time. There are even persons who come in and help with getting the bulletins ready. I really don’t know where to end this thought because there are so many who out of a dedication to God and this church willingly give of their time and talents. I know I have overlooked some many others but to all who give and give today I say thanks.
If you are reading this and you want to volunteer or see a need that you think needs some leadership, please let me know. We can always use more volunteers.