I wonder about myself at times. More than once I have felt as if I am inadequate for the task of being a pastor and at other times I feel up to the task. These feelings are often influenced by how rested and refreshed I am. I know that I am a person who needs rest and if I don’t get that rest it has an impact on me. My outlook can become less that clear and accurate because of not taking proper care of myself.
As I write these words I am thankful that I can rest on some great truths. Having a loving family is a very restful truth. A meaningful work and purpose in life brings a calmness that refreshes also. I have so many wonderful friends and blessings that I could fill more than one book listing them. I am a very blessed person. However, there are times when I forget my blessings and lose the rest that comes from such knowledge.
Writing these words has lifted my spirits and I am thankful to be able to express myself freely. Thanks for taking the time to read and share your life with mine.