am sitting in my office which is air-conditioned thinking about the
extremely hot weather outside. I don’t keep up with the weather very
much but the last couple of days have been hotter than most days I
can remember. Along this same line of thinking it seems to me that
we need some rain. My yard is looking brown rather than green. One
of the reasons that I don’t keep up with the weather is I just don’t
think about it much. It just happens and I go on. But the extremes
that are happening as I write these words have caused me to think
about it more than usual.
always amazes me all that I take for granted. I just assume the
weather will be there for me. I just assume this and that will
happen and function in the way I think they should function. So,
today I am going to take some time out and be thankful for some
‘things’ that are not always obvious to me. Perhaps this will help
me to be a person of praise rather than a person of problems.