I looked at my calendar today and was surprised at how few days are left in this year. 2009 has gone by very quickly and I have had my share of good and bad times. As I reflect on this I have really had a great year. My personal life has been good. My family not only speaks to me but speak words of love and encouragement. Even my dog seems better this year. (He is on some meds for sore joints) I can say without reservation that God has been good to me. However, as I think back I know that I have messed up many times. I have done and said things that I wish I could go back and undo. Words spoken without thinking seem to be my big undoing. I also have been too sensitive when I should have been more loving.
Being the type of person that thinks about life and does a lot of internalizing, I love the start of a New Year. For me it signals a fresh beginning. It is a time to let the past go and begin anew. I love that feeling. That is one of the reasons I love walking with God. Every day is a New Day and a New Beginning.