Waiting for Phyllis I sat down. We were scheduled to play racket ball and she was running late. I watched as two young adults finished their game. They were very good and I enjoyed seeing them show their skills. When they got done, they started talking to me. They were new to the area. She is an engineer working on a power plant near the area. They both love racket ball. She was telling me about her shopping experience on Saturday. She said that she went to the mall and traffic was heavy. According to her there was even a policeman directing traffic. She told me in detail about her experience and then she surprised me. She said she loved it. Yes, love it. I look surprised and then she said she was from Los Angeles and it reminded her of home. I was taken back but she did point me to a valuable lesson in life.
Each of us comes at life from a different perspective. Heavy traffic may raise blood pressures for some and for others it brings back warm memories of home. Listening to others tell their stories is a very interesting activity and one that can help us see the world differently. I hope today I listen and maybe I will gain a different view of life.