Today it has been a week since Phyllis my spouse took off on a mission trip to Poland. I get emails from her and she is doing fine. However, it has been raining there and they are doing an outdoor Vacation Bible School. So, they have had to be creative. When I hear from her I am reminded of how much I take for granted in my life. The day before Phyllis left she was told by the doctor that the second mammogram was fine and that her health looked good to him. Sitting in my office this morning, God is speaking to me to appreciate all of life. My health, my family and of course a spouse who loves me and who is a real help in life.
Today I have a funeral. I visited with the widow yesterday and she was telling me all about her spouse. In the middle of this conversation she cried. She said she would miss him. I have heard those words many times and as I left that home I thought how blessed I am that in a few days, my spouse will be returning home. I am wondering how much of life I really do not take time to be thankful for. As I go about a very busy day I am going to count my blessing. The air conditioner just kick on again and as I sip my coffee I am thankful for air conditioners and the one who made the coffee for me. Let the praise roll on.