Today I am rather tired. The weekend took something out of me. One of the observations that came to me this weekend is how easily one’s words can be misinterpreted. I am wondering if we all don’t need interpreters to run beside us and translate what is being said to the hearer. Could it be that we all speak different languages and are not even aware of it? From my own experience I know that I tend to hear things from my own experiences and past.
One of the great miracles in the Bible happened on Pentecost. We have just observed Pentecost Sunday so I lift this miracle up so that we might think about it again. At the First Pentecost all spoke in their native tongue and were understood. Perhaps the miracle was not in the speaking but in the hearing. That is what I am asking God to give me today. Ears that truly hear and understand what others are saying. It has been said that listening is more important than speaking. I am asking God to help me listen -really listen more. May the miracle of Pentecost be repeated again in each of us. When this happens then we will all find ourselves understood and more open to others.