I have beening reading an interesting book about what is happening in churches today. This author and church ‘expert’ stated that there are really only three types of church members today. The first was change and if they don’t see change they leave. They are restless and want action now. In this group, according to the author, are 20% of the church. The second group want control. They want the church to be just like they want it to be. It really is about making the church fit their idea of what it should be. This group is about 20%, too. They may join with the group wanting change if it is change they want. The third group comprised of the remaining 60% are open to ideas and imput and do not have an agenda as such. What is interesting to me is that this author believes that no matter what a church does some are going to leave because their is no change or because the change is not to their liking. I am thinking all this through and asking God to work in my heart and let me not push for the change I want or to hold on to the things that are dear to me that may stop the Church from doing kingdom work. All this is soaking in my mind and asking God to show me the way to truth.