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Ron's Reflections
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site admin @ 9:12 am
I am getting ready to do some backpacking in a few days. I will be going to Wyoming and taking on the Medicine Bow Wilderness Area. My son, Markus, is the driving force for this trip. He wanted to go and has been working on the details. I am a bit fearful of this trip. I know from many such trips that they are physically exhausting. Not only that but the higher elevation takes a toll on my body. Because of my bodies reaction to the altitude I went to the doctor yesterday and got some altitude sickness medicine. He explained that the medicine works but that I must drink plenty of water along with the pills. Now I feel I am ready to take on the mountains. I will let all know how it goes. As with my canoe trips this trip I pray this trip clears my mind and brings me spiritual refreshment.
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