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Ron's Reflections
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site admin @ 7:25 am
Tomorrow my spouse, Phyllis, returns from visiting our son and his family in Belgium and a mission trip in Poland. She will only be home a few days and then she takes off with me to lead a canoe trip to the water between Canada and Minnesota. Phyllis enjoys being busy but this will be a real test of her endurance. In my mind she is one ‘tough’ cookie. In her latest email to me she has assured me that I had better get ready to hear her stories as we canoe together. Phyllis and I have had some tough times in our married life and today as I write these words I thank God (and it is God) who has allowed us to share stories and more importantly life together. God is indeed good. I am looking forward to going to the airport and see the woman who I love very much and who loves me. Tomorrow promises to be a time of joy.
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