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Ron's Reflections
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site admin @ 1:44 pm
My wife Phyllis was scheduled to leave the St. Louis airport at 12:50 this past Saturday. The plan was for her to fly into Washington DC and then on to Brussels where she would spend some time with our son and his family and then she would go on to Poland to be with other members of our church who are on a mission trip. I got a phone call around midnight Saturday night and it was Phyllis informing me that there were some problems with the plan. Because of weather she missed her flight to Brussels and was going to have to wait a day or even two to catch another flight. So, she prepared to sleep in the airport and wait. As she waited I made some phone calls to the airline to see if I could help but I found listening ears who were trying to help but it was beyond them. Fortunately, Phyllis was able to get on a plane Sunday night and on with her trip. There are lesson in everything that comes our way. I know I need to be more patient and understanding with people and situations. I also need to realize again that indeed God takes care of us all.
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