Last Friday I ran a 5k
race. I have not been jogging as much as I should to be in a race.
But I got caught up in the excitement of the race. Because of the
crowd and other factors I found myself running at a great pace. It
felt great to be able to do much better than I ever dreamed.
Celebrating my wonderful experience with my son and daughter-in-law
and some other friends was a wonderful end to a great day.
But two days later my
legs ached and I felt like I had been in a battle. I walked much
slower and even a couple of aspirins didn’t seem to bring relief.
Are you feeling sorry for me yet? But what happened next is amazing.
I took some time to just rest. A nap seemed to come easily and
after resting my body started to recover. My strength started to
come back to normal.
So, today I am reflecting
on all of my running experience and marveling at how wonderfully made
the human body is. Today I am rejoicing that life (even human life)
is so amazing.