Getting ready this morning was just like any other morning. I was putting on my socks when my spouse started talking about some pages in a devotional book that had spoken to her. I was paying very close attention and then it hit me that I needed to focus on what she was saying. I listened as intently as I could and heard her heart speaking. I am ashamed to admit that there are times I do not listen as well as I should. But today God helped me listen and because of this she shared some thoughts that we very important to her.
This early morning happening has caused me to reflect more on listening. I would have never heard my spouses heart if I had not focused on not just her words but all that was taking place around me. I wonder how many of life’s surprising moments I miss because I am in a hurry to get on with something else or because I am too taken up with my own thoughts. Today I am hoping and praying that I will listen more with ears that hear the heart.