Sometimes I have to get away to fully appreciate all the many blessings that God has sent my way. I spent last week in California. My older son met Phyllis and I there and we did some hiking and sight seeing. Having never been in California I was not sure what to expect. I was not prepared for the beauty I witnessed. We hiked in four different State Parks and found all to be filled with scenery that literally took my breathe away.
I never thought I would say this publicly but I loved California and enjoyed every moment there. Even with that said, I was very happy to get back to Illinois. I came back refreshed and ready to return to my many tasks. Being away made me appreciate my home and my profession. Sometimes a change of scenery brings a fresh look at life.
Upon returning I learned that our Church’s book-keeper, Diane Cooper had a stroke. She is making a remarkable recovery. Keep her in your prayers. Life is fragile in many ways. So, today count your blessings and take a new look at your life.