Life is amazing at times. Phyllis and I went for a bike ride with a couple from our Church. Finishing the ride we all went to “Bobby’s” for some ice-cream. After getting our ice-cream we looked around for a seat. Being a nice warm day “Bobby’s” was packed. Because all the seats were taken we took seats on a concrete ledge. Sitting there I noticed a young woman sitting reading the book, “Heaven is Real.” Being very familiar with the book both Phyllis and I told her were enjoyed that book. She said she had just gotten it and was enjoying it.
This young woman had her two children and a dog with her. Her children shared how the dog could ride on the bikes with them. As they got ready to leave the mom shared she was having a rough day and the book was helping. So, I suggested I offer a prayer for her. When I finished I looked at her and told that it will be ok. She had tears in her eyes. It was then the amazing happened. Her daughter reached over and kissed her mom and said, “I love you, mom.” I was blessed to witness a tender moment between a mom and her daughter. Life is amazing and today I find myself praying for this young mom and her children.