I have been out of the country for a couple of weeks. Phyllis and I were babysitting our grandson in Belgium. Our son and daughter-in-law went to a conference in India and asked us to watch Rowan (our grandson who is four years old). We agreed to take on the task. Actually, we were delighted to be asked.
I learned some life lessons during that week babysitting among them are:
1. Hugs and kisses are a very important part of life.
2. Water puddles are made to run through.
3. Every pile of snow must be climbed.
4. Children’s books are a great source of knowledge.
5. My spouse is more patient than I am.
6. Life is not measured by accomplishments but by time with those we love and who love us.
7. The world needs to be seen through a child’s eyes form time to time.
8. Perhaps children want our time more than material things.
9. I would not take my week babysitting for anything.
10. And lastly my work load seems like nothing compared to keeping up with a four year old.