ron's reflections
"It got me thinkin'..."

March 2025
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Filed under: Ron's Reflections
Posted by: site admin @ 9:17 am

  I write these words on a Monday.  In case one may have forgotten it yesterday was Sunday.  Sundays are a busy day at our home.  Yesterday it was up early and getting ready to go to an the first of three worship services.  In practical terms that means being at the church by around 8am to be ready for the 8:30 service.  Yesterday was our Stewardship Sunday.  I counted it a joy to ask for members to consider the amount of money they would estimate they would be giving to the Church next year.  In between the three services is a time for Sunday school and a time to socialize with the friends and members of the church.  It is also a time when those with issues can find me and talk to me about their concerns.  Yesterday was no exception.  I heard about some strange happenings and listened to some complaints about this and that.  By the time I leave the church (usally around 12:30 or 12:45)  I feel a bit drained.  As happens frequently I find myself at a meal with some church members and again I hear all times of suggestons and ideas.  Usually by 3pm I am home and feel like a nap is on the schedule.  But the day is not over.  I found myself back at the church by 5:45pm getting ready to listen to a musical group.  They did a great job.  I listened again to many ideas and thoughts and did my best to represent Jesus.  I finally went home around 8:45pm. 

    I write all of the above to let you know that Sundays drain me in many ways.  It is the only time that some of the church members and friends get to be in touch with me and therefore I do receive a lot of verbal communication.  So, today, Monday I sit at my desk and am trying to regroup.  I am seeing what needs to be done in light of what happened yesterday.  I learned of a death in a family and need to connect with them.  I need to make sure our financial campaign is on schedule.  We have to mail out letters to those who for whatever reason missed yesterday.  I need to check on the sick I heard about yesterday.  And this is not the entire list.  So today I type away and down deep within in me I know that God will bring refreshment and renewal.  He always does.   I know that by Tuesday the week will seem much simpler.  May God bless our Mondays.



2 Responses to “Mondays”

  1. mary DePew Says:
    Hi Ron, I was looking at Marcus’s information page tonight and came across the section about you and your sermons. So, I went there and was really touched how you used U tube type of a message to people. I can see that you have an alive type ministry going on at your church. You sat at the same table at Circles at St. Mark’s Methodist Church with me a few weeks ago. Marcus is the leader of our spiritual writing group and also a Circles leader. It is kind of a humble amazing type person and I think I can see the source of him …you and your wife…based on your Utube message and your willingness to share your true feelings in your blog. Glad I found it….Gives me hope that there are still some good ministers how there in this world….
  2. mary DePew Says:
    The pronoun for Marcus should have been HE not it ..sorry…for not proofreading my note before quickly sending it off to you.

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