Today Phyllis, my spouse, was reading to me from the devotional My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. Chambers has a way with words that makes me think. Today he spoke clearly about what God wants out of all His followers. Chambers was saying that some wonder what they can do for God. They want to do something and yet God calls all of us to obey Him. God wants obedience more than good deeds.
This thought has been rolling around in my head. As I said Chambers makes me think. Obeying God requires me to put His ways above my ways. Obedience to God is a life long journey of commitment. For me this has often meant turning away from my selfish ways and thoughts and turning to God and asking for help to live life His way.
Doing what I want for God is much easier than obeying Him. Today I am in prayer that I will be obedient to God.