I am getting ready to be gone for a few days. I am not sure where I am going or what I am going to be doing. But I am positive that I am taking most of next week off as some vacation time. I really don’t have any plans in place. I am thinking Phyllis and I will bike ride somewhere. We have mentioned several different places. Phyllis and I have also thought of looking around at some back roads in Southern Illinois. Let me repeat, nothing has been planned.
This situation has me a bit concerned. I usually like to have things planned out. Hence, I am a bit nervous about next week but as I reflect on it I think I will be ok. It may actually be a very good thing. I usually am living by a calendar and trying to get everything done on schedule. Could next week teach me there is a different way of living? I may find out. Whatever happens I know I am going to enjoy time with my spouse and away to reflect on life in a much broader way.
August 28th, 2010 at 8:41 pm Judging from Facebook, God had a better plan than you ever could have come up with. I hope the week was as wonderful as it sounded and you were able to recharge.