In a few days my spouse and I will take off to lead a canoe trip. We have 25 people signed up to canoe a week in the ‘North’ country. Personally it is a time of refreshment. I will be able to not think of much except where we are going to canoe for the day and other related matters. My mind will not be thinking much of the normal routines of my life. I have been on this trip for over 20 years and each one is loaded with memories that I cherish. I really thank God that I am able to go and enjoy the outdoors. Sleeping in tents and camping on remote islands fills a void in my life and fuels me to enjoy life more.
Getting ready for this trip takes a lot of work. There is food to be not only purchased but pre-cooked. Tents have to be set up and inspected. Canoes have to be arranged for and many other details taken care of. I help with some of these necessary details but most of them are taken care of by Phyllis, my spouse. What is amazing about Phyllis is that she puts in hours and hours and really asks for no credit. In fact she does not mention it to anyone. I am the only one who really sees it. Most of those canoeing probably don’t even think about all that goes into the trip. But I notice the days she spends making sure all is in place.
She serves as a reminder to me that there are many, many who give of themselves and don’t ask for any recognition. These are the ones who God sees and really blesses. However, it wouldn’t hurt me to be more thankful and to let those who do so much know that I am thankful. When I go home today I am going to say thanks to one who gives so much.
July 8th, 2010 at 12:53 am I truly miss those trips. You are so right, camping in tents on remote islands and canoeing all day fill and replenish the soul. I will always treasure my three years of memories.