Yesterday our Church had a Christmas program at two of the four services. Attending those two services I felt God speaking to me again. The music was uplifting and the stories of individual’s experiences with Christmas prayers were amazing. I went home, ate lunch, visited with a person whose son died recently and made a hospital visit. When all that was over, I came home to rest. I even fell asleep in front of the television set. (This is not new to me.) After resting I got on the Church’s web site ( and began to listen to the sermon that Phyllis (my spouse) preached at the other two services. (She had a great sermon).
It is amazing to me that I am now a part of a church that has not only different styles of worship but offers many options. This is hard for me because I cannot know everything that is happening. That is a wonderful reminder to me that O’Fallon First United Methodist Church is not about me but about God. That is a fact that I want to hold on to and continually meditate on.