I was reading that people come to a church and stay with it if it cares for them. I try my best to notice who is participating in the life of First Church and who is dropping out. I do care about all who are a part of our church family. But sometimes I wake up and wonder what happened to a person who has dropped out of our fellowship. I always wonder if I have done something wrong. I try to make contact but often it is too late. The person has made their mind up that God is calling them to a ‘better’ place. I am sure their are those who wonder if I really care for them. I am asking God to keep my heart sensative so that I can look within myself and see if my heart is where it should be before God and others.
Of course, I am not the entire church. It is not my responsibilty alone to care for all who come through the doors of our church. But I cannot nor should I use that line of thinking to ignore my own task. I ask for your prayers that I may continue to care for all of those whom God has sent my way. I also ask prayers that I will know how to show that care is the best way possible. I have a long way to go before I have mastered godly living at its best.