Leaving the house this morning I found the temperature outside to be somewhat of a surprise. It was cooler than usual for this time of year. It felt like a fall day more than a day in August. I walk a bit faster to warm myself up but the entire time I was amazed at the briskness. Life is filled with many mysteries that I cannot begin to unravel or explain. I cannot explain the weather. To me it just happens. Oh, I know there are certain things that cause other things to occur. But behind all the knowledge there still seems to be a factor that is beyond my comprehension.
God is in many ways a mystery,too. He works when and how He wants to and how all this is done is way beyond me. I wonder sometimes if I try to limit God and how He works. Too easily I think I know what God likes and does not like. My mind seems to want to solve all the mysterious parts of God so there are no more questions. Today I am trying to be open to more questions and less answers.