If you know me you know that I don’t keep up on current events like many others around me. I get my current news from the Internet and other sources which are not as traditional as the newspaper and television. But lately I have been disappointed with all the headlines about a popular singer’s death. Not that he was a bad person. I enjoyed some of his music and certainly his death is worthy of the headlines. But are there not more important topics such as why are State continues to not fund institutions the money they promised. I am constantly amazed at how much we in our culture go for what I call the superfical.
I admit to not be as deep as I need to be in regard to much of life. But I would hope I would go beyond some of the superficial living that seems to be the rage of the public. This past week a minister friend of mine passed away and his death did not make any headlines. His death is buried in the back of the papers but he touched many lives for the kingdom. He did not write books or give lectures but he was always there with a smile and a good story that would bring forth a laugh. Today I am thinking of those words of Jesus that the first will be last and the last will be first. My friend is on to his eternal reward and that is the one that really counts. I had better stop here I feel a sermon coming on and this is not the time or the place.