This week there was a phone message and the voice said to give her a call. It is for my wife and she found out that a friend of ours had passed away. He was only in his fifties and had been healthy until just a few weeks ago. Cancer had taken his life. His wife said that in his final hours of life he suffered and she could see death as a relief. As I heard the story I felt the pain and knew that this woman was speaking the truth in many ways. There are situations worse than death.
However, I also know there are many situations that appear better than death. I wish my friend had lived a few more years to enjoy his family. He left no only a wife and children but several grandchildren as well. I do not understand life. It happens in many ways that only God understands.
I do know that I need to appreciate my life more. None of us knows how long we have on this earth and truly each day is a gift. I pray I will be more thankful for what I consider a great gift -life.