For me waiting is not easy. I like for my plans and wishes to happen now. When I sit done to a meal I like it ready and do not enjoy waiting a long time. But the hardest waiting for me is for maturity to take place in me. I wish I could handle all of life with a mature attitude. More than once I have longed for the freedom to not be bothered by some minor issue that seems to take more thoughts than it should. In my dealings with family and friends I have often known that I am capable of better relational skills. The older I grow the more I know I am not everything I should be. Waiting is not easy for me.
This causes me to rejoice in God’s patience and love. He loves me and patiently continues to work lovely in my life. When I fail He is there to support me and pick me up and tell me to try again. Today I rejoice in God’s ability to continue to shape me into the person He knows I am capable of being.
I have a feeling that once I learn to be more patient with myself I may be more understanding of others. I have much to learn and for me God is the best teacher.