I have been busy trying to pick up my grandson and his family. They flew into Chicago Wednesday after a day of delays. My son and his family along with Phyllis and I went to see my parents who live in the Northern part of the state. My dad’s health is not the best so it was a time for our family to be together again. We had a wonderful time and I am glad that it all worked out as it did. Truly our families are where life is really meaningful.
As I was trying to enjoy my family in the back of my mind I was thinking and praying about the Hubbard family. They had just learned that Joe’s back pain where from cancer that was spreading quickly. When I got back Thursday one of my first questions was how is Joe. I learned that he was slipping away quickly.
I had just finished my shower on Good Friday when I got a phone call from Craig, Joe’s son. Joe had passed away. Hanging the phone up, I felt like a part of me had been taken away. Joe was always one to kid with me and he had a wonderful sense of humor. When I first moved to O’Fallon, he was one of the first to take my wife and I out for a meal. We not only ate some great food but he entertained us all. He was truly one of a kind and I will miss him. I wish I could have said more to him before he left. I would have wanted to let him know how much he did mean to me. So, today Good Friday I have the blues and it is raining. I know that my loss is God’s gain. In my mind I see Joe telling some good stories to all in heaven who will listen.
I am glad Easter is coming. I always need it to help me go on.