This week promises to be a busy one. I have two funerals that require my attention. These funerals will require emotional energy. There is also a finance meeting in which we are going to set the 2010 budget. As one can imagine that meeting can also be draining. Add to these happenings the regular duties of staff meeting, visiting the sick, making phone calls, and preparing a sermon and leading two Bible studies. Even as I write these words I am well aware that there will be happenings that I have not even seen coming.
All of this demands some skill at time management. However, the bigger issue is following God’s leading. This week that lies ahead of me is not mine to use as I want to use it. It is a gift from God that requires I use it as He would have me use it. Therefore, what is required of me is to be in a relationship with God that listens to His leadings.
I would be a failure as a pastor if I only did what I wanted to do. Therefore I ask you as you read these words to pray for me. Pray that as God speaks I will listen and obey. Also pray that God will continue to give me the strength and endurance that the tasks before me require.