Each morning that I walk my dog I spend time in prayer with God. It is my time to just enjoy God’s presence in many ways. Sometimes my wife joins me in the walk and we often pray together. (Really she verbalizes more than I do but together we praise God) This morning she used an expression in looking at the beautiful colors of the fall season. The trees were amazing and the sun was shining on them like a spotlight. Out of the blue, Phyllis casually speaks out that God is showing off again. I have never thought of God as one who shows off but it did start me to thinking. Indeed all of creation is marvelous and does speak of a Creator who is capable of amazing beauty. And that beauty stands out all seasons of the year.
As I write these words I am close to going home and preparing for a bike ride. I want to see the trees and beauty again. I want to let God show off His handiwork to me. I encourage you to take a look at the creation that shows us a part of the Creator’s beauty.