Daily I am offered advice on how to do things. It seems that many people know how to do my job. It is not uncommon for me to hear all types of advice on how the Church should be run. I have heard it all. There have been suggestions on how to decorate and even what to preach. I suppose one of the reasons I don’t like to go to some meetings is because you just never know what suggestions is going to come forth. If you know me you know that I can always use help and that in many ways I open myself up to new ideas. My mind loves to go down different paths and explore new ways of doing things. I would never want suggestions to stop nor would I want to take them lightly. They have helped and will continue to help me in the future.
However, some suggestions make me wonder what is behind them. Is there a hidden interest behind the idea? Does the person want their own way and is really thinking of nothing but themselves? In other words is it a personal preference that they would like everyone to affirm? I don’t know a person’s heart. Only God does but I am praying that I will take all advice to the One who, I hope and pray, is guiding our church. Of course I am referring to God.
I ask for your prayers as I sort through the many voices that clamor for my attention. May I hear the voice of God above all else.