Today I am reflecting on the many caring people we have in this church. I have learned today of a Sunday School class that is taking meals to a family that is going through some health problems. Not only that but I got an email from two people who were concerned about me and offered to be listening ears. Today I am blessed to know so many caring people. What a joy to know that our church has some many who care. I guess one of the greatest joys of my profession is knowing how wonderful God’s people can be. However, I also know that there are those times our Church does not help those in need get in touch with those who want to help. We are working on that but we can certainly use your prayers. How tragic that there are so many who care and so many who feel like no one care. I am asking God to help me set in motion those programs and activities that touch people at there point of need. But today as I go about my daily routines I am just going to let the warmth of caring individuals touch my soul.